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Money Site

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Obama advisers to recommend veto of House Keystone bill

A depot used to store pipes for Transcanada Corp's planned Keystone XL oil pipeline is seen in Gascoyne North Dakota

President Barack Obama's advisers will recommend he veto a House bill approving construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

The White House's Office of Management and Budget on Wednesday issued a statement formalizing the veto threat.




Thank God that Obama the Liar's incompetent staff of 34 year old Harvard graduates are on top of this one.

Why in the world would any president want to create 40,000 jobs that will pay over $40/HR while at the same time, increase American oil independence and also provide a much safer way to transport oil other than railroads? One answer; the radical environmental left who have made billions of dollars off of hard working American tax payers want none of this. Even tho solar and wind provide less than 6% of American energy needs, they want Obama the Liar to double and triple down on the billions wasted placating the environmental fear mongers. And why not? This is how they make their living from "the new ice age in the 70's and 80's to global warming in the 90's and 00's and now the all encompassing "climate change" which covers their #$%$ whether it gets colder or warmer. After all, plants absorb C02 and create oxygen. This is terrible!!!!!




These are the very same "advisors" who have alienated the rest of the world's leaders. The world leaders have quite clearly decided to ignore this arrogant "destroyer of a nation".
No one anywhere has one ounce of respect for this so called leader.
Obama's actions on the XL pipeline and immigration show his arrogance and his drive to destroy the US. This is his way of "getting even" with his perceived discrimination as youth.
He plays golf and fund raises at he expense of suffering Americans while he kisses up to Al Sharpton to divide our country.
Someone ought to tell him that this may work in Kenya, his real birthplace, but has earned him total disrespect around the world.




He probably should allow the pipeline. Since fracking, we have a surplus of oil. Our country's oil supply has gone through the roof, driving prices down. We need to be able to export it to Canada and maybe even to Mexico. You'd think everyone would be happy about lower oil prices, and they should be, since stock prices and oil prices have an inverse relationship. Simply having a place to store the oil is likely the issue. Either slow production, or export it.


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